Monday, December 24, 2012

Bahhum Bug

Far, far away theres a little, old town,
Where bugs scuttle free and roam all around,

That's right, I said bugs, little insects and such,
They walk and they talk and they keep in good touch,

Just like us people they eat and they sleep,
But from our point of view they seem only to creep,

They ride around town but not in bug truckies,
Here they ride carriages and the bugs pull the buggies,

And at the edge of this town lives the kindest young bug,
If you were tiny and saw him he'd give you a big hug,

But this friendly bug seems only to annoy,
For his name isn't one that normally brings joy,

He comes from afar and is named after that place,
He comes from Bahhum, and such is the case,

He's the bug from Bahhum, and a hole his name's dug,
It's a rotten coincidence for the nice, young, Bahhum Bug

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