Today is your birthday, quarter century number two
The big twenty six, and big I hope it to be,
Twenty five is no more, and the difference you shall see,
Twenty five is for rookies, young guns without drive,
But you are twenty six and really hitting your stride,
No more meaningless dates, or dead-end careers,
At age twenty six you’re wise beyond your years,
No more eating at tables, for you it’s breakfast in bed,
Cereal never tasted so good as when a pillow’s under head,
And car payments, HAH, you laugh in their face,
You own that Veloster, with style and with grace,
And don’t get me started on your new fashion tricks,
You look so dapper, it should be Forever Twenty Six,
Even your basketball skills have suffered but naught,
In fact you’re developing a decent old man shot,
And forget about jogging, that’s whipper snapper play,
Rather a gentle cycle on a warm, sunny Saturday,
No more eating veggies or whatever you don’t want,
Just pop a gummy vitamin cause nobody’s there to daunt,
And bonus NBA channels? You see no reason why not,
For it’s your TV subscription, and the Jazz are gonna be hot,
There’s a lot you can do now, you have turned Twenty Six,
You can live your own life, full of giggles and full of kicks,
And do what you want, when you want, and how,
Cause twenty five is over and twenty six is right now,
So my dear brother enjoy, today and beyond as well,
Cause I’m still twenty three and have two more years of hell.
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